Quit with the Backlinks Already!

It all started when interviewing a new SEO intern. I was asked to do the final interview, and for those of you who know me, I am not a big fan of “SEO optimisation”. You usually loose me when I get told that someone will be full time working on SEO. I mean, 8 hours […]

How to Design to Get More Clicks on your Ads

If you are reading this we can safely presume that you have a blog or site with some sort of banner or text ads displayed on your site. You want clicks because clicks equal mullah. The reality is that most of us (including me) hardly get a click and often these ads are simply fugly, […]

What Evergreen Content Means for Your Blog

If you manage a blog or write blogs for hire, you may have heard the phrase “evergreen content” and wondered how it’s applicable to your content marketing services. Should you be bothering to write evergreen content for your sites? It seems like someone is tossing around another coin phrase each month. Does evergreen content improve […]

How to write kick ass headlines that get results

We both know the importance of quality headlines that grab attention. It gets us clicks, grabs the reader’s attention and has the ability to either make or break our marketing strategy. Did you know that up to 80% of your readers will only skim your headlines instead of reading your amazing copy…?? Headlines are not […]

The 4 Elements to a Killer Advertising Campaign.

There are many articles out there that cover the basics or foundations of a good advertising campaign but none that demonstrate these using only famous quotes. There are many elements or formulas to a good campaign, but this about sums it up. Lets begin…  “The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer […]

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