Chinese Domain Registry Scam Email

This is the second time we have received an email from clients with instructions to please sort this ASAP. The below email (most are similiar) has probably caught many webmasters off guard as it seems very innocent at first but tricks you into buying domains for a hefty fee in a China (or Asia) where […]

Quit with the Backlinks Already!

It all started when interviewing a new SEO intern. I was asked to do the final interview, and for those of you who know me, I am not a big fan of “SEO optimisation”. You usually loose me when I get told that someone will be full time working on SEO. I mean, 8 hours […]

Facebook Cover Image Quality Fix

Have you recently i.e. in the past year or so; tried to upload a Facebook cover image only to find that the quality looks like a dog’s breakfast? Welcome to the club. I always managed to figure it out but forget the work around so decided this time I’d write it down (for me and […]

WooGang Club, Is it Legit or a Scam? It’s GPL Baby!

UPDATE: I have recently started having issues with WooGang and some plugins coming through “dirty”. I know that some folk in the comments below have been having similar problems as well. With this in mind, I cannot recommend WooGang. I have left this post up as it has become popular. Any other recommendations? Please share […]

TwentyFifteen you lost me at the logo- another rant.

I love WordPress. I also love pretty much anything open source (when it works). Ever since I got into this industry I’ve been amazed that people would take the time to develop and build something only to then provide it for free! It’s like paying it forward in a really unselfish way, but at the […]

GoDadddy Managed WordPress Hosting Review

So what do you do when you have a site that targets an international audience and needs to go fast everywhere? You Go-Daddy! I have multiple sites that I manage and most of them target specific regions. In this case I simply us a local host provider (i.e. in New Zealand) to make sure that […]

Discount or Full Price? The Great Debate

A customer wants to buy your product, you have spent an hour hashing out details and specs; but something is unanswered. That eerie feeling when you’re about to close the deal and the hidden resistance has yet to show its head. The customer has become hesitant all over again and you know the price is […]

Social Media Basics for Business

Facebook, Google+ and other social media platforms have become a norm for businesses. One of the first things business owners do after registering a company is almost immediately open social media accounts. As normal as it may be, the majority of businesses simply don’t have a clue how to use social media to their advantage. […]

Why your Facebook post’s organic reach is declining

I noticed a decline over the past year of my Facebook post’s organic reach. This has been steady and especially prevalent when I start a new page off with Facebook ads. Traditionally one could bank on at least 15% of your ‘Likes’ seeing your posts organically in their feeds. This is certainly not the case […]

4 Reasons why Free WordPress themes are better than Paid

The Showdown: Free WordPress Themes VS. Paid WordPress Themes. WordPress (WP) is a wonderful, robust, and FREE content management system (CMS). It has provided many people a personal blogging platform (like this one), and also made available so many free open source plugins, themes, and the like; to the wider public. Many WordPress users start […]

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